hi friends, i have a confession to make. i failed at the not buying any new stuff plan this week.
i blame my sister. she texted me a dangerous phrase:
i need to go shopping. i want a new outfit to wear for my birthday. want to come with?
umm... yes!!
first stop was ulta beauty supply so she could get some makeup.
i buy mine at target, so whatever, not an issue for my checkbook to stop there.
then it was across the parking lot to old navy.
that's where the trouble started.
i go in and i love everything. i swear. every.thing.
i left with new denim skinnies that fit in my boots- in my defense i didn't have any that were normal denim color or that fit in my boots. i also got a new phone case for the mr because it was on sale for $2 and it looks like a mug of beer :)
then it was next door to dsw. normally not a problem. things are normally too expensive or not the right size. not on saturday.
fell in love with these:
coach tennis shoes (a little like chucks) in navy blue and my size. for only $48?!
a quick text and phone call to the mr and they came home with me.
yes, i asked the mr before i bought these.
but really, what's not to love about these shoes?
then today i failed again and ordered this shirt and these socks for the youth gathering next weekend (the weekend after easter)

yes, the gathering has a super hero theme.
yes, the shirt AND the socks have capes.
yes, i'm super excited to wear these.
my friend kris who is another adult that's on the board with me in charge of putting on this event is wearing a matching outfit but she'll be robin instead of wonder woman.
but, here are the outfits that i actually wore this week:
shell necklace: gift
disney charm: disneyland
gem & ribbon: patina white
plaid tunic: taget
leggins: wal*mart
sweater: burlington coat factory
dress: JCP- in the night gown section!
leggings: wal*mart
boots: payless
i feel like carrie from sex & the city when i wear my hair like this with a big scarf
scarf: made by me
cardi: target
tee: old navy
cradi: target
white tee: vanity
striped skirt: garage sale (it's actually a dress with the arms folded in!!)
date night!!
cardi: target
tee: old navy
skinnies: NEW old navy
shoes: NEW coach a la dsw
sweater: target
purple long sleeve tee: old navy
skinnies: NEW old navy
boots: payless
i feel like one of the cool kids now that i have skinnies that fit in my boots :)
cardi: target
necklace: maurice (a long time ago!)
tee: rachel kurtz
mint skinnies: JCP
flats: k*mart

sweater: my sister's closet. literally. i barrowed it when i visited one time and never gave it back. oops.
watch; premier designs
skinnies: old navy
boots: payless
quick poll: do y'all care to see all of my outfits (like you saw this week?) or would you prefer to see 3 or 4? and do you care if i source everything? srsly- almost all of my cardis are from target and everything else is from old navy or JCP...
don't forget to head on over to the pleated poppy to see what everyone else wore this week!
don't forget to head on over to the pleated poppy to see what everyone else wore this week!
love, mrs. k
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