linking up with jake and holly for another go round of finish the sentence since the first one was so fun!!

if calories didn't count, i'd eat...
tacos until my heart was content. or thanksgiving dinner every day. or cheese cake. lots and lots of cheesecake. cheese in general is good. who am i kidding? i'd eat everything!
and i'd drink wine and margaritas (not together obvi).
on my prom night...
my date fell asleep on my parent's kitchen floor with my dog. no joke.
when i go to the store i always buy...
fountain diet coke- you need to have fuel to shop right?
family functions typically...
involve lots of alcohol. sorry to out you family, but it's true.
lots of 'morning after-s' we sit at the kitchen table and say that we had too much 'fun' or that we fell in with a bad crowd last night.
i think my blog readers...
are awesome
i'd much rather be...
at the lake. srsly- so over winter right now.
i have an obession with...
smelling nice. i have an irrational fear that people can smell me all the time and i don't want them to judge me if i smell bad.
my work friends...
aren't as great as the show friends.
if only i could work with rachel at ralph lauren. or monica at the resturant. i take that back, i don't want to work with monica, i'd probably kill her.
when i created my facebook account...
i was a college freshman and facebook was just a college thing. never imagined that my mom (and grandma!) would have facebook too!!
my least favorite word...
is any of them that i can't spell or my iphone auto correct can't fix for me
i really don't remember...
my first college party.
i was a freshman and i threw up in a kitchen sink.
that's about the extent of my knowledge on the subject.
justin bieber...
is on a downward slide now that justin timberlake is back in action.
guess there's only room for one justin on the scene :)
love, mrs. k
love, mrs. k
i love the lake too, and I am so far past this cold weather. it's 48 in arkansas today and April is a week away...ugh. thanks for linking with us!