31 days to go? Really? That's all?
I'm actually not nervous. Well I am, but not about being married. I'm ready to be married. I'm nervous about getting things done in time.
In the past two weeks here is what the future Mr and I got done:
*We worked on our wine bottle center pieces. I sent 80 wine bottles home with him that are done. Now I only have like 40 more to do...
*I stopped by the florist shop to ask her about centerpiece flowers. She had origianally suggested that I order my flowers from samsclub.com becuase you can get them cheap and in bulk. So I wanted to know how much I should order, when to order them, and where to have them sent. But then we got to talking about silk flowers. I wanted to know if there was anyway to rent them since it's only for one day and it's December- real flowers don't do good in the cold. She said that she would rent me silk flowers at $1/table. A woo-hoo!!!!!! Score, I just saved a bunch of money. So that 's what we're going to do now. The head table will have real flowers because the b-maids will put their boquets there but all the other tables will have silk flowers. And I'm ok with that.
*I went to the printing place that did our invites and started talking about programs/order of worship. Hopefully I'll get a mock up this week.
*We met with the Pastor who is doing the ceremony last Friday at 4 pm. We walked about the order of worship and our pre marrige retreat weekend.
*We met with the wedding coordinator from the church last Friday at 5 pm. She was a little bit of a space cadet. She had papers all over the place, and she wasn't really organized. She makes me nervous for our wedding day.
*We were suppose to meet with the DJ at 6 pm on Friday night. We were there a few minutes to 6. At 10 after he wasn't there. At 15 after he wasn't there. At 20 after the future Mr called him and had to leave a voicemail. Finally at 6:30 he called us back. He said that he had locked his keys in his vehicle in a town thats like 40 miles away and he could meet with us in an hour. The future Mr was super stern with him and basically told him that he was really upset the DJ didn't call us when he discovered his keys were locked in his car. Then the DJ wanted to schedule another time to meet and the future Mr did him no favors, the future Mr moved nothing around to meet with him. So we met at 7 pm on Sunday night. I've never seen the future Mr act that way.
*After we got stood up by the DJ we went back to the church to meet with the organist and pick music. That was fun. It was kind of cool to be the only 3 people in the sanctuary and hear the space fill up with organ music. It was also really cool to be picking music of our wedding!! It was easy to pick. We picked 1 song for the bmaids to walk in to, one for me & my daddy to walk in to and one for the recessional. Then we talked a little about communion music which will be on the piano instead because it's softer.
*Saturday was my 2nd bridal shower and my bachelorette party. Oh.My.Gosh! So much fun! We had the shower at my future mother in laws house becuase they have a more open floor plan than my parents do. There were so many people there! I had high school friends that came from Moorhead, Fargo, and Fergus Falls and college friends that came from the Twin Cities and Worthington (at least a 5 hour drive) and friends that came from my northern town (a 2 hour drive)! I felt so loved! The shower was from 2-5. We had ham roll ups and turkey roll ups that my sister made, taco dip and chili dip, veggies and dip, cake, punch, and champagne.
We played games. They had to answer questions about me to see who knew me best. My bestie from Bible camp won, she's known me for more then 10 years so it's fitting. I don't think my mom or sister played cuz they probably would have won.
We played the purse game and whoever had the most stuff in their purse won. But this time we were in teams. I was on a team with my mom and her bestie Sue. We won but we let the team with the 2nd highest score take the gifts. I really have to much crap in my purse cuz that's the second time I've won that game.
Then I had to answer questions about the future Mr. Uff-da. I thought I knew the guy!
Just kidding- it wasn't that bad, I got more then 1/2 of the answers right :) But some of his answers were out of left feild- I had no idea that if he could live anywhere he would pick Florida, and I didn't know his dream vacation was a Carabian Cruise.
*We had the bachelorette party at my mom's house (well it's my parents house but my dad went to the cabin this weekend) at 6.
We had more food! Hot beefs and sloppy joes, taco dip (left from the shower), cheese, meat and crackers, margaritas, ice cream cake, boob & butt cookies inspired from pinterest:

This picture is from pinterest but ours were similar
Then we played games. We played pin the macho on the man. Yes, it's what you think it is. It was funny.
Each of my guests had to bring a pair of underwear that fit me but that describe their personalities and then I had to guess who brought which pair. I was not good at that game.
Then we had a party bus. Well, kind of. It was a party bus in the sense that it drove us to the bar and we could drink on it if we wanted to, but in every other sense it was a school bus. It was big and yellow. It had gray seats all facing forward. It did not have cool lights. It did not have coolers. It did not have a cd player. It was weird to feel like we were on a school bus.
And in typical bachelorette party fashion, I wore a veil with condoms on it which I had to sell, I had a sucker boquet of suckers that I had to sell. I had a lei that I wore, I had a ginormus ring that blinked, I had a light up button that said something about my last night to party. It was a little over the top but fun!
We did take pictures but they're all on my sister's camera and one of my b-maids cameras.
*Sunday night at 7 we met with the DJ. He was there before we were waiting this time. We talked about how we want the night to feel and songs that we do NOT want played as well as songs that we for sure want played.
*After the future Mr and I met with him, my mom and I went to do a dress fitting with my mom's friend Kari who is altering my dress (and making our cake and cupcakes). It was fun to have my dress on with the skirt and everything. I can't wait to wear it in Dec :)
So all in all, it's been a big two weeks.
OH- RSVP's are due this Friday. So far we have 80 cards and 141 yeses (we are figuring on between 225 and 250). Hopefully we get a lot more between now and Friday so I don't have to make a bunch of phone calls.
Love, a future Mrs.
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