Only 45 days to go!!!!
This past weekend the future Mr and I had our pre marriage retreat. It was a Friday night, all day Saturday event. The general lay out was that we had "large group" time where we listened to the Pastor that runs the retreat (not the Pastor marrying us- he wasn't there), the Pastor running the whole thing has his son and another gal that help him. So we would listen to them talk about different topics then we broke off into Sunday school rooms where we got to talk just us two.
Friday night our topics were communication and our family of origin.
Then we went to stay with our friends Tasha and Mark which was fun. We didn't get to talk a whole lot because is was well after 9 by the time we got to their house and they had to work at 6:30 and 7:30 the next morning so they wanted to go to bed early.
Since they had to leave early and they live in an apartment that you need to either deadbolt from the inside or lock with a key from the outside, we had to leave when they did. Ugh. So we went to Denny's for breakfast- it was the 1st time I had ever been there. Then I showed the future Mr where my sister's new apartment is and where her boyfriend lives. Then we went to Starbucks and finally it was 9 o'clock and we could go back to the church.
Our topics on Saturday included: money/finances, sex/intimacy, religion, & commitment. (There were others but I can't remember them all right now.) The only one that we had issues with or that we didn't see eye to eye on was/is money. We just have to figure out how we'll combine our finances, how much we'll give to the church, how much "fun" money we'll each get every month. It's a lot to figure out. Expecially when we've both gotten use to our financial independence, and we're both pretty comfortable with how things are now.
We meet with the Pastor who is marrying us, Pastor Wade next Friday to go over what we talked about at the retreat and how we feel about things.
Last week I cleaned out and took the labels off of 105 wine bottles.

This is what my bathtub looked like last Wednesday, and this is only 1/2 of them...
Now they need to be decorated. Last night I told the future Mr that he'll have to help with that this weekend. He said "What if I don't want to help? Guys don't normally have to help with wedding crafts." I told him that I didn't care if he didn't want to. He was going to get to help anyway. I don't think he was very happy with me. Oh well- that's a lot of work to do. And we have to work on place cards too. But I think those are the only things we have left, well the only crafty things.
I still have to call the photographer and the wedding planner to touch base with them, the future Mr needs to touch base with the DJ.
I had my first dress fitting on Sunday night :) But I forgot my puffy skirt to go under my dress and I found out that I will indeed need to wear a strapless bra. So I have to go back next weekend and bring those two things with me.
We picked our cake flavors on Sunday (the cake lady and the dress lady are the same lady- I love her). We decided on cupcake so we can have more flavors. We are having: funfetti cake with white frosting, chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, peanut butter chocolate cake with chocolate fudge frosting, white cake with strawberry filling and white frosting, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, and (my favorite) spice cake with apple pie filling, cream cheese frosting and a caramel drizel. Yumm-O!! The we will do a small two tier cake on the head table that we will cut, take pictures with and possibly smoosh in each other's faces. That cake will have a 10" tier and a 6" tier, it will just be white cake with white frosting. I don't want to take any chances and get something icky on my dress.
This weekend the plan is to work on wine bottles for centerpieces (someone please remind me why I thought this was a good idea!), pick scripture readings and songs for the ceremony, make a list of what we want pictures of, decide what we want the programs to look like, and look through the big bridal binder that I bought back in Feb to see if theres anything else that we're missing. Uff-da. That's a lot.
I might be freaking out a little.
Love, a future Mrs
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