April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

What a weekend! Sorry I haven't blogged much lately (more then to say hi) but life has been crazy busy!! Last week at church we had worship on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. Thursday we had a traditional Passover Seder Meal for our 5th graders that were recieving their first communion and their families. Then Friday night the future Mr. and I went to the Montgomery Gentry concert at the the casino. So good! But so tiring! Why I thought driving an hour to see a concert on Good Friday is beyond me!
There they are!

My only complaints about going to concerts at the casino are that they don't have stadium seating, it's all one level and that the concerts are short. From the time the MC came onstage to introduce them and do announcements to the time they were done with their encore was an hour and 20 minutes! But if those are my only complaints I guess it's still a good deal. They played their big hits so I knew most of the songs, which always a concert more enjoyable.

After the show we got to see the future Mr's sister and her boyfriend who were at the casino gambling. It's always nice to see them.

Then as we were walking out to the car I realized that I hadn't taken any picutres of the 2 of us. So I made him stop in the parking lot for this picture
Not the best one of us but isn't he cute?

On Saturday I had to be back at the church at 10 to let the mom's in that were making the egg bake and muffins for Sunday morning. I had to make a run to the grocery store and then I helped them for a bit before going home at 12:30 to make lunch for the future Mr. Then we went to Grand Forks because Old Navy was having a big sale and I wanted some new summer clothes. We also went to Target (love Target!) and Gordman's (where I got an Easter dress). Then to Applebee's for dinner and Cold Stone for dessert. Then back home to my northern town to go to bed early because I had to be to the church by 5:45 am on Easter Sunday!!

So we got to the church dark and early on Easter Sunday to open it up and turn everything on. The senior high youth did the 6:30 Sunrise Service, and they did a great job. They did everything from leading music to the readings to serving communion. 15 of them showed up!! (That's a lot for me!) Then the junior high youth and their parents were in charge of breakfast which also went well. But I don't know if we'll keep doing it. It didn't seem like there were very many people there, and we had lots of left over food, and not a lot of help. So we'll see next spring how we fell about doing it again.

Then the future Mr. and I hightailed it south, just in time to make it to church with my dad and sister at home. I love going to church at home because I actually get to worship. Here, in my northern town, it's work not worship. I like that no one is expecting me to do anything. I like that I don't have responsibilities to take care of after the service. It's a nice change of pace.

Then we went back to my parents house and waited for mom to get home from work (she manages a resturante that has an Easter brunch) and we had dinner. Yummie ham, potatoes, corn, bread, and cheesecake. It was kind of weird because it was just the future Mr., me, mom and dad. My sister went to her boyfriends house after church. I understand that he and his family are important to her but it's hard when she goes there instead of spending time with us. As we grow up we just have to figure out how to make holidays work and what will make the most people happy (cuz you can't make them all happy).

It was a nice relaxing afternoon that included a few to many adult beverages. The future Mr. did not feel well yesterday at work. I took yesterday off so I was fine.

Yesterday mom, dad, Katie and I went and looked at the dress at Alan Evan's again. Well they looked and I tried it on. I wanted to make sure I liked it with the b-maid dresses so Katie brought her's and tried it on too. And I loved it. So we ordered it. And I'm happy. The drive from Moorhead home last night was much more enjoyable then the last time I bought a dress. I got to take pictures this time because we bought the dress but I won't be sharing them because the future Mr. does read the blog sometimes and I don't want to risk having him see it. Call me old fashioned but the first time he sees that dress will be when he marries me.

And I need to clarify about the drive home. I was more emotionally relaxed but it was not an enjoyable drive. I live in the Red River Valley and it is flood season here. The road that I drove home on had just re-opened the day before. There is a lot of water in the fields and at one point there were waves rolling onto the road!!! So I took some pictures for you:
This is what I saw off to my left

And this was off to my right
Seriously, these pictures were taken moments apart

There is not suppose to be any water in that field and it looks like a lake

You can tell that it's raining just a ways away, rain is not what we need in the valley right now!

Lots of water on both sides of the road
Again, you can see how nice it looked off to the left and how icky it looked to the right

How pretty is this cloud? I love the sunset and the gradation of color through the cloud.

Then I got farther north and turned to come east, and there was a car in front of my that was driving like 45 mph in a 55, and they were really far onto the shoulder. Like the passenger side tires were completely on the shoulder. I thought maybe something was wrong so I passed them. There were 3 teenage boys in the car. Once I got in front of them they kept their brights on and stayed right on my tail. Then they passed me. I wasn't infront of them for more then a minute and a half. Once they got infront of my they slowed way down again. So I passed them again. This time there were some cars coming at us so they couldn't pass me right away, but they stayed right on my tail. Then when they went to pass my they stayed right along side me for a while. Now, keep in mind that this is a two lane highway (one lane going each way) in the middle of no where northern MN. So I sped up, they sped up with me, I slowed down, they slowed down with me. Then they would come over close to me and then back into the other lane. I was really scared and my heart was beating really fast. They finally got in front of me again but they slowed down. I didn't bother to pass them. I figured I could drive 8 miles under the speed limit for a while. Finally another car caught up behind us and a semi truck behind the car. The boys eventaully took off but I was really uncomfortable. I was thinking why couldn't this have happend on Saturday night when the future Mr. was driving my car home from Grand Forks? I would have felt much better if he had been in the car with me. I called him when I got home to let him know that I had made it and I told him about these boys. He told me that he wished that he had been with me too because he would've played with them and sped way up or got in their way when a car was coming towards them. He's such a boy. But I love him.

So it was kind of an icky uncomfortable end to an otherwise great weekend.

Now back to the grind. Confirmation this coming weekend. Uff da.

Hope you're having a great day!

Love, a future Mrs.

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