April 29, 2011


I set my alarm for 4 am this morning to get up and watch the royal wedding. I don't know if I did it because I'm getting married this year. Or because I wanted to be able to say that I watched it. Or why I did. But I did. And I learned that my house is 3 things at 4 am: dark, scary, and cold. I live in a beautiful house that was built sometime between 1910 and 1920. It has thick stone walls. And apparently when the sun isn't beating on my house it's cold.

Anyway, I got up because TLC said their coverage was starting at 4 am (my time, CST) what they didn't tell me was that the wedding didn't really start until 5 am. That the first hour was just people arriving at Westminster Abbey. Boring. I fell back asleep. But I did wake up at 5:12 and saw Kate Middleton walking down he aisle with her dad. So cute. It makes me really excited to walk down the aisle with my dad. Althought the aisle at my parents church is waayyy shorter! I caught bits and pieces of the ceremony inbetween my periods of shut eye. I must have fallen back asleep because the next thing I knew the sun was shining in my bedroom windows and my clock said that it was just after 9. My TV was still on and I noticed that TLC still have coverage of the wedding. But everyone was still going to Westminster Abbey. TLC did not tell me that they would be replaying coverage of the wedding right away!! I was not a happy girl. But I did get to see Kate leave the hotel with her dad. Then arrive at the Abbey, process down the aisle (again), then I watched the rest of the ceremony (I stayed awake this time), and watched them leave as Duke and Duchess for Buckingham Palace. I didn't get to see them come back out and kiss (twice aparently!!) because I had to come to work. But I'm sure it'll be on the news later.

And oh my gosh!! Wasn't her dress beautiful? I was worried that she would wear something more form fitting, and more "fashion-y" kind of like what her sister Pippa wore. Pippa looked beautiful, but what was with the white?! Kate would have looked beautiful in the dress that Pippa had on (she'd look beautiful in anything) but I think that the dress she went with was more approriate for a future Queen and I think she'll be happier when she looks back on their wedding pictures in 20 years. I hope I'm happy when I look back on my pictures in 20 years. I should be, I love my dress. But it looks nothing like Kate's.

I haven't talked to Molly since the Saturday that we did post prom. I was starting to think that she was mad at me. I text her this morning and asked if everything was ok. It was, she's just been super busy. I mean the woman has 2 jobs, a senior, an 8th grader, and a 5th graders. She has a lot on her plate. But she did make time to have lunch with me today. It was nice to catch up on life with her.

Now I'm just getting a few things done at work (on my day off) then I have to go home and clean. But I would much rather go play outside, or take a nap outside. It's beautiful here in Nothern MN  today (finally)!!

Hope you're having a great day!
Love, a future Mrs.

April 28, 2011

Dear Old Navy (again),

You made my day yesterday! I got my dress and shirts in the mail that I ordered from Old Navy and the jacket that I ordered from Alloy for our wedding :) Yay!!!

So without further ado, here are my new clothes!!
Here's the dress that I ordered and it will be great for summer weddings and graduations.
There are ruffles on the v neck but you can't really see them in this picture

Just to jog your memory, this is the outfit that I really loved from ON and was trying to re-create:
I ordered a different coral t shirt and a gray tank top that I found in the sale section and paired them with a jacket I already own and this is the result:
I think I got pretty close! I have a patterened pink scarf that I could add if I wanted to get even closer and I have tan flats.
I'm wearing this today, but with my favorite brown sandals.
Here is the jacket from Alloy.com that I'll wear to the wedding. Some of the reviews on Alloy said that this jacket ran small, so I ordered up a size. It's probably a good thing that I went up a size (although it pains me to look at the size tag) but it feels really box-y to me. So I think I'll take it to Kari, the woman who made my senior year prom dress, and see if she can pull it in a little. I just don't like that it looks like it goes straight down from the arm pit to the hem. I want it to come in a little bit and conform to me.

And here are my purchases from last weekend when the future Mr. and I went shopping in GF:

These shirts are from Old Navy. They're the same except for the color/pattern. The purple one is plaid and the pink one has stripes. I like them. They're light weight and will be comfortable this summer.

And this is my Easter dress that I got at Gordmann's. I think it's my favorite out of all my recent purchases (not counting my wedding dress). I got the sales girl to discount it because the zipper is broken. It's stuck in one spot, about 2 inches down from the top of the zipper. And in one spot (in the same area) the zipper is pulling away from the dress. Again, I'll see if Kari can fix it :) Since the zipper doesn't work properly and it was Easter I wore my light blue jean jacket with it. This dress will be good for summer weddings too.

I had 16 senior high kids come to youth group last night! I felt like I was at the circus!! That is the most kids I've ever had come to youth group and they were crazy last night. And they wanted to play hide-n-seek tag. Which is a combo of both games where you hide until someone finds you and then you have to run cuz their goal is to tag you. I hate this game. With a passion. But they were driving me crazy last night so I gave in and let them play.

This morning the youth director from another church in town called me because we're suppose to plan the baccalauret service together. The only baccalauret I have ever been to was the one my college had for our graduation. I have no idea what to do. And she's from this church in town that has a very active youth group, they have lots of kids, and they talk about God a lot. I know that we do too. We have Bible study, and talk about faith issues, but I don't think I could tell you where any of my seniors are in their walk with God. Somedays I don't know if I could tell you where I am in my walk with God. This makes me feel like I'm failing at my job. Anyway, they have already talked about baccalauret at staff meetings and they have had meetings with their juniors and seniors to start planning this worship service. Umm... Hello? Shouldn't our church be in on the planning too? Then at the end of our conversation she dropped a bomb on me and told me that the service isn't on Wednesday night at 7:30 like I thought it was, oh no, it's at 4 in the afternoon on Sunday. The same Sunday that I will be in Missouri for my cousin's high school graduation. Sorry, I won't be at baccalauret here in this northern town.

Fun fun. Oh the life of a youth director :)

I hope you're having a great day!

Love, a future Mrs.

April 27, 2011

Wedding Wednesday!

One of my favorite bloggers is Shannon from Life After I "Dew"
When she was engaged to Jimmy she did this thing called Wedding Wednesdays to keep her friends and family updated on how their wedding plans were going.
I decided that I wanted to do the same thing, to keep y'all updated!

So here is my first installment of Wedding Wednesdays!
Just an update of things that we can check "done" next too.
We have picked a date- Dec. 10th 2011. 227 days to go!!
A location- the ceremony will be at my parents church First Lutheran and
the reception will be at the Holiday Inn
I have my b-maids, personal attendant, and 1 usher (the future Mr. and I each get to pick one).
I ordered dress #1 in March and had buyers remorse.
We ordered b-maid dresses the same day. Those I love.
I ordered dress #2 on Monday. I feel much better about this one :)
My future Mr. booked the DJ last night.
I e-mailed Darrell and asked him to take our pictures.
So happy!!

Each week I'll focus on a different aspect of our wedding (save the dates, invites, favors, dresses, center pieces, jewlery, etc.) and fill you in on all of the fun details! You may even get fun stories about the future Mr. and I.

Love, a future Mrs.

So What Wednesday

Here's what I'm saying "So What" to this week:

*if I'm sick of hearing about the royal wedding...

*but I still want to watch it

*if I'm slightly relieved that I don't have to do junior high youth group this week (we have confirmation pictures right in the middle of it), after the last two weeks I need a break from that group

*if watching "Say Yes to the Dress" is way easier now that I have MY dress :)

*if getting packages in the mail totally makes my day! Thank you Old Navy and Alloy (pictures tomorrow)

*if the fact that my dad is paying to fix my car makes me really happy and I think it's totally normal for him to fix my car even though I'm 24 and I've lived on my own for a year and a half. It totally bothers my future Mr.

*if I found an idea on another blog for youth group next week:
How cute are those bracelets?
And how great is this cause? To send these handmade bracelets to orphans a world away as a sign of love.
Thanks to Ashley at
for the inspiriation!!

What are you saying "So What" to this week?
Head on over to Life After I Dew to see what
everyone else is saying "So What" to.

Hope you're having a great day!
Love, a future Mrs.

April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

What a weekend! Sorry I haven't blogged much lately (more then to say hi) but life has been crazy busy!! Last week at church we had worship on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. Thursday we had a traditional Passover Seder Meal for our 5th graders that were recieving their first communion and their families. Then Friday night the future Mr. and I went to the Montgomery Gentry concert at the the casino. So good! But so tiring! Why I thought driving an hour to see a concert on Good Friday is beyond me!
There they are!

My only complaints about going to concerts at the casino are that they don't have stadium seating, it's all one level and that the concerts are short. From the time the MC came onstage to introduce them and do announcements to the time they were done with their encore was an hour and 20 minutes! But if those are my only complaints I guess it's still a good deal. They played their big hits so I knew most of the songs, which always a concert more enjoyable.

After the show we got to see the future Mr's sister and her boyfriend who were at the casino gambling. It's always nice to see them.

Then as we were walking out to the car I realized that I hadn't taken any picutres of the 2 of us. So I made him stop in the parking lot for this picture
Not the best one of us but isn't he cute?

On Saturday I had to be back at the church at 10 to let the mom's in that were making the egg bake and muffins for Sunday morning. I had to make a run to the grocery store and then I helped them for a bit before going home at 12:30 to make lunch for the future Mr. Then we went to Grand Forks because Old Navy was having a big sale and I wanted some new summer clothes. We also went to Target (love Target!) and Gordman's (where I got an Easter dress). Then to Applebee's for dinner and Cold Stone for dessert. Then back home to my northern town to go to bed early because I had to be to the church by 5:45 am on Easter Sunday!!

So we got to the church dark and early on Easter Sunday to open it up and turn everything on. The senior high youth did the 6:30 Sunrise Service, and they did a great job. They did everything from leading music to the readings to serving communion. 15 of them showed up!! (That's a lot for me!) Then the junior high youth and their parents were in charge of breakfast which also went well. But I don't know if we'll keep doing it. It didn't seem like there were very many people there, and we had lots of left over food, and not a lot of help. So we'll see next spring how we fell about doing it again.

Then the future Mr. and I hightailed it south, just in time to make it to church with my dad and sister at home. I love going to church at home because I actually get to worship. Here, in my northern town, it's work not worship. I like that no one is expecting me to do anything. I like that I don't have responsibilities to take care of after the service. It's a nice change of pace.

Then we went back to my parents house and waited for mom to get home from work (she manages a resturante that has an Easter brunch) and we had dinner. Yummie ham, potatoes, corn, bread, and cheesecake. It was kind of weird because it was just the future Mr., me, mom and dad. My sister went to her boyfriends house after church. I understand that he and his family are important to her but it's hard when she goes there instead of spending time with us. As we grow up we just have to figure out how to make holidays work and what will make the most people happy (cuz you can't make them all happy).

It was a nice relaxing afternoon that included a few to many adult beverages. The future Mr. did not feel well yesterday at work. I took yesterday off so I was fine.

Yesterday mom, dad, Katie and I went and looked at the dress at Alan Evan's again. Well they looked and I tried it on. I wanted to make sure I liked it with the b-maid dresses so Katie brought her's and tried it on too. And I loved it. So we ordered it. And I'm happy. The drive from Moorhead home last night was much more enjoyable then the last time I bought a dress. I got to take pictures this time because we bought the dress but I won't be sharing them because the future Mr. does read the blog sometimes and I don't want to risk having him see it. Call me old fashioned but the first time he sees that dress will be when he marries me.

And I need to clarify about the drive home. I was more emotionally relaxed but it was not an enjoyable drive. I live in the Red River Valley and it is flood season here. The road that I drove home on had just re-opened the day before. There is a lot of water in the fields and at one point there were waves rolling onto the road!!! So I took some pictures for you:
This is what I saw off to my left

And this was off to my right
Seriously, these pictures were taken moments apart

There is not suppose to be any water in that field and it looks like a lake

You can tell that it's raining just a ways away, rain is not what we need in the valley right now!

Lots of water on both sides of the road
Again, you can see how nice it looked off to the left and how icky it looked to the right

How pretty is this cloud? I love the sunset and the gradation of color through the cloud.

Then I got farther north and turned to come east, and there was a car in front of my that was driving like 45 mph in a 55, and they were really far onto the shoulder. Like the passenger side tires were completely on the shoulder. I thought maybe something was wrong so I passed them. There were 3 teenage boys in the car. Once I got in front of them they kept their brights on and stayed right on my tail. Then they passed me. I wasn't infront of them for more then a minute and a half. Once they got infront of my they slowed way down again. So I passed them again. This time there were some cars coming at us so they couldn't pass me right away, but they stayed right on my tail. Then when they went to pass my they stayed right along side me for a while. Now, keep in mind that this is a two lane highway (one lane going each way) in the middle of no where northern MN. So I sped up, they sped up with me, I slowed down, they slowed down with me. Then they would come over close to me and then back into the other lane. I was really scared and my heart was beating really fast. They finally got in front of me again but they slowed down. I didn't bother to pass them. I figured I could drive 8 miles under the speed limit for a while. Finally another car caught up behind us and a semi truck behind the car. The boys eventaully took off but I was really uncomfortable. I was thinking why couldn't this have happend on Saturday night when the future Mr. was driving my car home from Grand Forks? I would have felt much better if he had been in the car with me. I called him when I got home to let him know that I had made it and I told him about these boys. He told me that he wished that he had been with me too because he would've played with them and sped way up or got in their way when a car was coming towards them. He's such a boy. But I love him.

So it was kind of an icky uncomfortable end to an otherwise great weekend.

Now back to the grind. Confirmation this coming weekend. Uff da.

Hope you're having a great day!

Love, a future Mrs.

April 22, 2011

dream big!

Head on over here to see how you can help this sweet little boy get home to his adpotive family
All it takes is a $10 donation (and really how often do you spend $10 without even thinking twice about it?).
Plus there are tons of great prizes!
Including an iPad!! What?!?

Go check it out.

Love, a future Mrs.

April 20, 2011

Check this out. Now.

This is so cool. I want to make it. I don't know where I would wear it, but it's awesome!

It's a dress made out of starbust candy wrappers!!! What?!?!?! Amazing!


Love, a future Mrs.

So What Wednesday

Here's what I'm saying So What to this week:

*if retail therapy and baking did not make my cold better

*if I forgot to add my link to Life After I Dew's blog the last 2 Wednesdays and I didn't remember until Thursday

*if I've eaten like 10 lifesaves Wint-O-Green mints every day this week. They're kind of like cough drops, right?

*if I keep hitting skip on my iPod because I don't like some of the songs but I'm too lazy to actually hook my iPod up to my computer and take them off

*if I get frustrated with amazon.com because they don't ship your whole order at once

*if I get frustrated with oriental trading.com because they don't have the right size bouncy balls for the wedding favors I want to make

*if we can't take engagement pictures until early June. Life working in a church is busy!!

*if I'm sick and it's Holy Week- I know that it's the worst combo ever but I can't do much about it

*if I wore jeans and a sweatshirt to work today instead of looking nice, see above.

*if I didn't plan any of this, it all just came spilling out.

*if I really miss my future Mr.? Some how the week feels longer knowing that he's farther away.

What are you saying "So What" to this week?
Head on over to Life After I Dew
to see what everyone else is saying "So What" to.

Love, a future Mrs.

April 18, 2011

Dear OldNavy.com

I am sick. Really. I have a terrible head cold. My nose is stuffy and runny at the same time. I'm coughing and sneezing everywhere. I sound funny. I have a headache. It's hard to breathe. I can't breathe through my nose. And my lips are really really dry- they hurt.

After work I went to put gas in the future Mr.'s truck. I'm driving it again this week because he barrowed my car. He's working in Grand Maris this week and my car gets waayyy better gas milage. But that means that I had to put gas in a big truck. It was BARELY under HALF a tank and it cost me $60 to fill up!!!! I don't know how he does it. That's crazy!! I text him to let him know that I was ready to have my car back.

Then I went to Maurice's to see if they had anything nice to wear for Easter. Since I work at a church, Easter is kind of a busy day for us and lots of people are there, so it's important that I look nice. That and I like shopping. But this head cold, and the fact that I had just spent $60 on gas meant that I was not really in the mood to shop.

So I came home, made dinner, poured a glass of wine, and decided it was time to buy that swing coat I was drooling over at alloy.com. Just to jog your memory, this is what it looks like:
I ordered it in Ivory and I intend to wear it with my wedding dress. I ordered it bigger then I thought I needed. I figured I can always have Kari take it in for me. I would rather have to have it taken in then have it be to tight. And it didn't cost anything to go up a size. But the shipping was rediculous! $10.50?? What is that?

Then I thought I'd head on over to oldnavy.com and see if they had any cute dresses for summer. The future Mr. and I have no less then 5 weddings to go to this summer. So I have to start looking for dresses now. Anyway, that wine that I had with dinner (and the glasses that followed) was not a good combo with oldnavy.com. I could really get myself into trouble there!! Thank goodness I found some will power! They do have a deal where you get free shipping on orders over $50 so I was shooting to go over but not way over. And here is what I ended up with:

I LOVE this dress! I'm really hoping that the reviews turn out to be true because they're good. And this would look so cute with my white jean jacket (also from ON) and wedges that are woven on the bottom and white canvas on top. I'm excited for this one.
I ordered these sandals because I already have a pair. I wear them all the time and they're almost worn through. I got them 2 summers ago and they didn't have them last summer! So when I saw them I thought I better scoop up a pair!

I love this outfit, but I did NOT buy it. On top there is a jacket, a t-shirt and a tank top. Just those 3 items totaled almost $78 dollars. Lame. And the pants are skinny and they have zippers on the bottom on the outisde seam. No thanks.

Then I was looking through the sale section of the regular size clothes because I'm borderline plus size. I can wear the smaller plus sizes or the larger regular sizes. I'm ok with it (most days).
I found this gray tank top. Almost exactly the same as the plus size one but $3 cheaper. I added it to my cart.
Then I found this shirt. Now, it's a regular v neck tee instead of a shirt whereas the plus size one was a rouched one. But it's the same color and it was $9.50 cheaper!

Then I remembered that I have a khaki colored jacket with 3 brown toggle buttons from American Eagle (sorry it's at least 3 years old- I couldn't find a picture online) that would kind of complete the same look. A woo hoo! I'll take a picture when I get it all put together so you (and I) can see how close I came to completeing the $78 look for only $20.


This past weekend was the prom here in my northern town. And we had a snowstorm. Yuck. But it was still a nice day. The future Mr. and I went to the grand march to see a bunch of my church kiddos all dressed up. And seeing the boys in their tuxes made me think that I can't wait to see my future Mr. in a tux. It will be the first time I see him really dressed up. The most dressed up I've ever seen him was khaki's, a black shirt, and a white tie that I bought and forced him to wear (that was for your wedding Ashley!). So I'm excited to see that handsom man all dressed up. Anyway- the kids all looked so pretty.

Then after the prom some of the churches in town organize a post prom party. From midnight to 5 am. It kicked my butt. That is why I'm sick. But this year was better then last. We had a 164 kids that came and 106 that stayed until 5 am. Last year we had a 124 and 75 respectivly. And we gave away some awesome prizes this year: a 19" TV, a 32" TV, a 17" laptop, a Kindle, 2 Kuerig coffee makers, sweatshirts, t-shirt, a pair of Oakleys, coupons for pizzas, french fries, offda tacos, taco john's tacos, an iTunes gift card, a digital camera, 3 iPod docks. And that's just the stuff that I can think of right now. It was crazy.

Then after that, I came home and slept for an hour, got up showered and got ready and went to church to introduce the kids that are getting confirmed in 2 weeks and help with the pancake breakfast. I didn't get home until almost noon. Then I cooked lunch for the future Mr. and fell asleep. He woke me up to say goodbye at 3. Then I slept again until 6. Then I went to bed at 10. And slept until 8 this morning. And as soon as I'm done writing this, I'm going to bed again. After staying up all night and having to work the next morning, and feeling like crap, I'm tired.


Today I got my first ever blog swap gift package in the mail!! Thanks Wendy!! You can check out her blog here. I got some really cute stuff. A decorate Easter egg, an Easter egg candle, some chocolates, a note pad/pen set, and a set of notecard that I can use to send people Easter cards, among other things. It was my first blog swap and I wasn't really sure how it was going to work. Until I got my package today I didn't understand that Wendy and I were "partners" I guess I thought it would be like a big circle, not necessarily a 2 person thing. But that's fine.

It was weird to shop for someone that you don't even know. I walked aimlessly through the store for a while with no ideas. I did have a list of her likes/dislikes/favorite things. But that doesn't mean I would know what she would like from a store! I ended up getting Easter things. I got her 4 glass blown Easter egg ornaments, an Easter egg filled with M&M's, and a set of Lindt truffles. Then I made her an Easter card and I crocheted a flower and adhered it to a bobby pin for her.

Thanks to Samantha who hosted the swap!! I'll totally take part again!


One last random note: last night I caught the Wizard of Oz on TV. Hands down, my favorite movie ever. I fell asleep just before Dorothy and the Wizard get in the hot air balloon. But that's ok, I know how it ends :)

Sorry that was rambely and kind of disjointed. It's been a long day.

Love, a future Mrs.

April 15, 2011


Hey all! Sorry for being a Debbie Downer yesterday but it was just me being open, honest, and vulnerable. And it felt a little strange to write all of that, but it also feels good to know that I have a place where I can just blurt it all out. And thank you Grandma for your kind words, you are a very wise woman.

I spent the latter half of Wednesday and most of yesterday being overwhelmed by my emotions. I wasn't sure how to deal with everything. I cried. A lot. I put two spoons in my freezer and then put them on my eyes to help reduce the puffiness from my tears.

Now today I am overwhelmed by my to do list. I'm definately a list person. I have a master to do list of everything that I have to do before graduation Sunday here at church. I have a daily to do like to help me chip away at that master list. I have a list of wedding things that I need to get done. I have a list of wedding things that the future Mr. and I need to talk about. I have a list of movies that I want to see and songs that I want to download. So yes, I am a list maker. And here is my to do list for today. This is just today.

*8 am: haircut
*pick up sausage links for pancake breakfast
-confirmation bulletin board
-2 pm: physical
-sort pies when they get delievered
-help parents during pie pick up
-shop for supplies for post prom party
-sort post prom prizes
*get deposit envelops ready for Sunday
-write and send letter to seniors and their parents
-mail my gift for the Easter blog swap I'm a part of
*explain reciepts for the shopping I did yesterday for my money lady (church not personal)
-make a reminder post card about the Seder meal for 5th graders and parents
-make sign up sheets for helpers for the Seder meal
-make sign up sheets for helpers with the rummage sale

The things with *'s are the only things that I have done so far.
I better go and get crackin' on this list!

Love, a future Mrs.

April 14, 2011


sorry for such a downer of a title but yesterday was a downer of a day. and i'll get there, but first i have to tell you about dinner with my high school friends- i love them!

so on tuesday i only worked til 1 then i left for my mom and dad's. i got to hang out with my parents for a while until my mom had to go to work. then my dad took me down to zorbaz (pizza and mexican joint) for a drink before i went to meet my friends. my friends and i went to my mom's bar and resturante for dinner (well it isn't really "hers" but she's the manager). i met margaret and ashley there (ashley- there's your name!!) and tasha was suppose to come meet us too but someone at her work quit so she had to work late on tuesday and be back early wednesday so she couldn't come down from fargo :( i miss her. but it was so great to catch up with margaret and ashley. ash told us all about house hunting and the difference that she and her husby have on what kind of house they want. i'm sure my future mr. and i will have all kinds of difference when it comes to picking a house. i like old houses with charm and character and he likes new houses because they have fewer problems and they're cheaper to maintain. whatever. we don't have to even think about that for a few years. margaret told us all about her new husby, how they met, what the wedding was like, and what their plans are now. i shared wedding plans and tried to make them buy jewlery and uppercase living stuff for our church's fundraiser. then we went to another bar in town for a drink and our waitress was another girl that we had gone to high school with. she knew that i was engaged and that i'm dress shopping (this bar is only a block from my parents house in a town of less then 10,000 everyone knows everyone's business). so we talked about my dress dilema for a while. it was fun. it was relaxing. it was good for my soul.

and i needed that goodness for my soul because yesterday was horrible!!! i would say it was the 2nd worst day since i started working at church. (the first was so bad that i don't even want to talk about it.) the day started with e-mails about post prom which is a sticky subject. i don't really want anything to do with it at this point. so molly was freaking out about donations and how we had to get all of them by tuesday at 4 so that all of the businesses that donated could be mentioned in our thank you in the grand march program. i wasn't that worried- i thought if they don't donate until wednesday or later and the prom is on saturday it's their own fault that they're not in the thank you. and besides why do they need public recognition- what happend to doing something nice just because? anyway- i was done collecting doantion because we had the prizes that we wanted to give away or the money to buy the prizes and we still would have seed money for next year. i'm sick of feeling alienated because i don't think we need to keep pestering business if we have enough stuff. and i thought we were doing this prize wheel that we did last year and all i got in an e-mail from molly was "i thought we were doing bingo. not the prize wheel." no, hi, hello, no greeting at all. and she didn't sign the bottom of the e-mail.

if that had been all i could deal with it. but then i picked the jr hi'ers up for youth group. during high's and low's one girl said that her low was that i was there. and her high was that i had to leave for a minute to get something out of my office for a mom. and one of the boys kept saying similar stuff and pushing it. i finally said, if it's so bad and you don't like me and you don't like youth group why do you keep coming? we don't have to do this every week! i struggled through the rest of high's and low's and bible study then i had to excuse myself to go to the bathroom where i cried. 7th graders made me cry. what is wrong with me? how did i let my feelings get so hurt? and during bible study they all kept talking over me. i can get loud, i have a big voice and they just kept talking. i couldn't compete with 15 jr hi'ers and 1 sr hi'er. i was so frustrated.

then between jr hi youth group and our lenten dinner i had a high school girl confide in my about her family problems. my heart broke for this girl. i cried for her. she is having to deal with things that no high school kid should have to deal with. she is having to deal with things that never crossed my mind in high school. all i could do was give her a hug and tell her that i'm always here for her.

and to top off the night i had sr hi youth group. they were loud, kept talking over me, and would not focus on anything. i was so frustrated, again. one of the girls, who i really like and i have had coffee with a few times and lunch a few times made a comment about going to lunch again. and another girl said "don't you have a life? you want to go have lunch with sarah?" i almost cried again. i was sitting 5 feet away!!! why would you say that in front of me? then i was trying to get them to plan the easter sunrise service and all they wanted to do was talk about c.o.d (call of duty- it's a video game).

i went home, called the future mr. and balled. he told me that they were just being typical teenagers and he remembers kids saying things like that when he was in youth group. i never remember anyone saying such mean things to angie, our youth director. the future mr. just kept saying they were being typical. i finally had to tell him to stop saying it. i said they may just be being typical teenagers and i may realize that later but it is not helping me right now. after i talked to him i called my sister because i needed to vent to a girl. my future mr. is a great guy, he listened, he tried to help, he was comforting, but he isn't a girl (thank goodness!) and sometimes you just need to vent to a girl.

so here's to hoping that today is better then yesterday.
love, a future mrs.

April 13, 2011

So What Wednesday

Here's what I'm saying "So What" to this week:

*if I love looking at my blog now :)

*if I can't wait to see what I get from the Easter blog swap that I joined

*if I wish more people read my blog

*if I made a giant to do list on Monday. I wrote down everything that I need to do between now and May 15th which is graduation Sunday. I broke things down by event and then the order that they need to happen in. Hopefully I didn't forget anything!

*if I want to be like Paula Deen when I'm a grandma. She is so cute!

*if I got the supplies in the mail to make my party favors for our wedding guests and I'm not happy with them. I suppose I'll just have to figure something else out. Good thing I love the wedding activity/coloring books that came today too!

*if when I read my mom's people magazines I complete skip over their movie, music, and book reviews. One time in high school I loved a movie and they totally tore it apart. I haven't read it since.

What are you saying "So What" to this week?
Head on over to Life After I "Dew" to see what everyone else
is saying "So What" to this week!

Love, a future Mrs.

April 11, 2011

Domestic Diva

I was a domestic diva all weekend! Here's the proof:

I made beer bread- it was so yummie that the futrue Mr. and I couldn't even wait to take a bite until after I took the picture!
I made Easter cookies for the future Mr. to take in his lunches this week at work
I made an Easter card to go along with my gift for the Easter swap that I'm taking part in.
I also got her beautiful glass blown Easter eggs, an Easter egg filled with M & M's, Lindt truffle bugs- they're really cute, and I made her this:

I crocheted a flower for her that I'll affix to a bobby pin so she can wear it in her hair.
How cute is that?

I also added this sign to my fireplace area

I think it's really cute and it fits nicely with the rest of my living room
I made this on my cricut with vinyl. So it's like something from UpperCase living but not quite. It cost a lot less and it isn't a straight/perfect. I didn't realize that you had to buy the sticky paper that you use to put it on the wall seperate so I had to do each letter individually. That's why it's a littly wonky. I still like it. It's on the same wall in my bedroom as my mirror.

And I changed over to my "summer" bedding. I use the word summer losely. Because (a) it isn't summer yet. And (b) it's actually warmer then my "winter" bedding but it just looks more summer-y.

And my other project is one that you are looking at right now! I changed my blog backround and header. So now you are getting notes from a future mrs. on a beautiful lovey dovey backround! I'm so proud of myself!! I hope you like it.

And I hope you're having a great day!

Love, a future mrs.

April 8, 2011


Yes, I know that today is Friday but yesterday was a great day so I'm going to talk about it.

First, I was facebook stalking my friend Laura who moved from my nothern town to the twin cities last month and I saw that she was on her way back to my town for a visit!! So I text her and told her that we had to get together. So much fun! We went out for a drink and met up with a few of her other friends then we went back to my house for some wine. It was so nice to catch up on life, to hear about her new house, how her kids are adjusting, and how happy they all are to be back in the same house.

Second, I had a post prom meeting yesterday. We went to Sears and found a mini fridge to give away as a prize at our party for $90!! So we're getting two. Cuz we're cool like that.

Third, we had new member orientation at church last night. Normally this is a bore and I don't like coming to it. But last night there was a couple that came to the orientation that are just like my future Mr and I!! They are getting married in Dec., she has lived here for less then 3 years, he works construction, he's an outdoorsy guy. I think we need to be friends with them. I intent on telling them that on Sunday in church. Hopefully they want to be friends. I need friends here, I'm lonely.

And finally, I started working my my earring for the wedding. I made earring for my b-maids, flower girl, and both mothers but I can't decide if I want to wear them too or if I want to make something else.
I was inspired by these earrings from The Vintage Pearl
pearl cluster earrings Product Image
PS- they're doing a great giveaway over at their blog- go check it out!!
This is how my first attempt at her earrings turned out.
I say my first attempt because I only made 1 earring and I think I figured out how she made hers so I'm going to try making them a different way.
I'll let you know how it turns out.

These are the earrings that I made for my b-maids, flower girl, and mothers. I really like them. I wore a pair one day and I got lots of compliments on them. But I need to get those clear backers for dangly earrings cuz I had to keep making sure that these stayed in my ears and I don't want my girls to have to worry about their earrings all day.
This is just another shot of their earrings. I kept playing around with where in the room I wanted the earrings and what angle I want to photograph them from. Deep down inside I wish I could take beautiful pictures but I just don't think it's one of my gifts.
And yes, that bucket is filled with coffee beans.
This is what it normally looks like:
It holds pens on my desk that look like flowers. It's just so much prettier then a regular old pen cup. The coffee beans help that "flowers" stand up since I don't have/need enought of them to fill up the bucket.

Well, off to the bridal shop here in my nothern town to try on dresses with Molly. See if I can find anything that rivals the AE dress that I'm in love with. The bridal shop here in town has the Disney collection by ... I'm spacing on the designers name but I've been looking at these dresses and I really like them. So hopefully they'll have one that I can try one.

Have a great weekend!

April 6, 2011

So What Wednesday

Life After I
Here's what I'm saying "So What" to this week:
So What...

*if I still have Christmas music on my iPod. It's a lot of work to change it and it's really beautiful music

*if I'm one of the slowest unpackers on the planet. I usually just take the things that I need out of my suitcase when I need them. I unpacked this morning from this past weekend which is pretty quick for me

*if I took my garbage out at noon today instead of tonight. I hate taking it out at night- it's creepy!

*if I had a banana, a stick of venison jerky, a strawberry breakfast granola bar, some peppar jack cheeze its. and water for lunch. I hit a few major food groups and I know that I'm going to eat a big dinner tonight

*if I haven't done laundry in like 3 weeks. I'll probably do it on Friday because I'm running low on undies... and I need to wash my towels and sheets

*if I don't like it when people have music on their blogs. I like reading your blog, that doesn't mean I like you taste in music

*if I really like changing my calendars every month. I like having a new clean slate. I like that my desk calendar doesn't have notes scribbled all over it any more.

*if I know that my wedding is 248 days away. theknot.com keeps me updated

What are you saying "So What" to this week?
Head on over to Life After I Dew to see what
everyone else is saying "So What" to this week!


My future Mr. got me a cricut for Christmas. They were way on sale on Black Friday and I basically told him that if he didn't get it for my for Christmas I was going to buy it for myself. He hates when I do that because he likes to suprize me. He's so cute.

Anyway, he got me this cricut and last night was the FIRST time I used. I'm a terrible fiance I know! But I feel like I just haven't had the time yet. But the future Mr.'s brother turns 22 on Friday so I thought I would make him a card. And I'm in love with this machine. I just need to figure out everything about it!!
There it is! My cricut!! Making it's first cut

The first cut didn't go so well :(
I couldn't figure out how to move the needle over to start a new cut. I had to call my scrapping friend Cammy and ask her. Now we're going to have a scrapping date/Cricut lesson!
It went much better cutting out "happy birthday" the second time- after I had talked to Cammy
Here's the outside of Brandon's birthday card- everything was cut out on the Cricut. I learned how to move the needle and how to adjust the size of the shape!!
I used Elmer's school glue to adhere everything to the card. I'll have to get the little thing that you put your letters and shapes through to make them sticky on the back.
You scrappers know what I'm talking about!
And here's the inside of the card. The glue was still wet in this picture. So it looks white by the "forever young" cut out but it really isn't.

I put a little note on the back of the card where I asked if I could have the card back since it's the first one I've made. I'm such a dork. Hopefully he'll give it back! It would be cool to put the card in my scrapbook by all of these pictures!


April 5, 2011


This is my 60th post! How did that happen?!? Crazy!

I never did make it out of the house yesterday for a walk. I just had no abmition. But I did finish my taxes so they are ready to be mailed (finally!!) I painted my toenails, and my finger nails. I FINALLY got to talk to my future Mr. again! And I looked online for the perfect ivory pea coat to wear with my wedding dress since they're on sale right now.

And I think I found one:
This is from alloy.com and it's only $60! My only problem is that there was one review that said that she needed a sweater under it to feel warm and it leaves lint behind. Those are two things that I don't want to deal with. Grr... Maybe I'll have to go shopping in an actual store for one. I'm definately a person that likes to try things on first.
But I also found this dress on alloy.com that I'm tempted to buy:
I like this but I wouldn't get the belt because it comes in s/m and m/l which just isn't big enough for me. But I could probably find a belt at Maurices or somewhere that would work. But it's $47. I know this makes me sound cheap but I just can't get on board with spending $50 on a dress. But this is the 2nd or 3rd catalog that it's been in and I've loved it every time. So we'll see. Since they did tempt me with 15% off my enitre order. Hmm....

The other productive thing that I did yesterday was buy tickets for the future Mr. and I to go see Montgomery Gentry on Friday April 22nd at the Shooting Star Casino in Mahnomen!! I'm so excited! I love going to concerts with him. I'm sure the concert will be great but I'll probably regret it the next day because it's Easter weekend. I'm going to be exhauted!! But like we said in college- you can sleep when you're dead! We have to have a little fun every now and then right?

Hope you're having a great day!

April 4, 2011


I don't know what to write today...

I'm tired from this weekend. It was a lot of go, go, go!!! And not a lot of sleep. I'm a girl that likes to sleep. I'm talking between 8 and 9 hours a night. This weekend it was more like 5 hours a night. With lots of running back and forth making sure that things happened. My legs and my feet hurt.

The only productive thing I have done today is shower and paint my toe nails. Seriously. I'm sitting on my bed watching Oprah while I write.

I should go for a walk because it's pretty nice in my nothern town today. I should actually walk every day. Maybe it would help me be healthier for the wedding. It would be a good addition to my change in eating habits. I've been having a banana for b-fast every morning and I've been really looking at what a serving size is. It's crazy how out of proportion our ideas about serving size are!

Speaking of wedding- this morning "Say Yes to the Dress" was on. I cried. I cried because I want that feeling of "this is my dress" but I don't even know what that feeling is, I don't know what it will feel like. What if I don't have that feeling? What if I've had that feeling and I don't know it? What if I never find THE ONE?? What will I get married in? Which, by the way is happening in 250 days!!! I keep getting fun ideas from theknot.com. I want to do everything I see. The one today that I found is a picture family tree of our new family or a wedding wall with pictures weddings in our families. So cool! I want to make it!

My future Mr. is on his way home from a snowmobiling trip in Wyoming. Yay! I miss him, I wish I could see him as soon as he gets home but I have to wait til Friday :( Boo for living and working 100 miles away from each other. And it's seemes expecially long becuase he didn't have cell phone service out there so we havn't even been able to talk. I miss him.

That was a lot of random ramblings. Hopefully I'll have something more coherent to talk about tomorrow :)

April 2, 2011

Another giveaway!

Sara over at Curls, Pearls, and a Southern Girl is hosting a giveaway in honor of Opening Day!!! Yay!
Go check it out and enjoy her blog!


I'm at the NW MN Synod Sr. Hi Youth Gathering at Castaway Club on Pelican Lake and it's beautiful. I haven't taken a picture yet but I will and I'll share it with you.

Since I'm here working I don't have a lot of time to share my day to day stuff with you but I do have time to share my favorite sign from Jimmy John's with you (I love JJ and it's probably a good thing that I have to drive an hour to eat there otherwise I'd be there ALL.THE.TIME!)

I believe that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change. I believe that no matter how good a friend is, they are going to hurt you once and a while and you have to forgive them for that. I believe that true friendship continues to grow over distance, so does true love. I believe that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache forever. I believe that it's taken be a long time to become the person I want to be. I believe that you should always leave loved onces with loving words, it may be the last time you see them. I believe that you can keep going long after you can't. I believe that we are responsible for our actions no matter how we feel. I believe that you either control you attitude or it controls you. I believe that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something there to take it's place. I believe that hero's are the people who do what has to be done regardless of the consequences. I believe that money is a lousy way of keeping score. I believe that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and still have the best time. I believe that sometimes the people who you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones to help you back up. I believe that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel. I believe that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't meant they don't love you with all that they have. I believe that maturity has more to do with experiences you've had and what you've learned then it does to do with the numbers of birthday's you've celebrated. I believe that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others, sometimes you have to forgive yourself. I believe that no matter how bad your heart is borkend, the world doesn't stop for your grief. I believ ethat our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. I believe that just because two people argue doesn't mean they don't love each other and just because they argue doesn't mean they don't. I believe that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret, it could change your life forever. I believe that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different. I believe that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by someone that you don't even know. I believe that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you for help, you will find the strength to help. I believe that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being. I believe that the people you care about most in life are the ones taken from you too soon.

My future Mr. waited (im)patiently for me to write all of that down on the note pad in my phone. I love him.