My weekends usually start on Thursday nights since I don't work on Fridays. But last Friday I had to come in for a little while so my weekend didn't start until Friday afternoon. I went over to my friend Laura's to help her pack since she and her family are moving soon. Well her sister in law Jen was there and Jen told me that a bunch of girls are going out with Laura on Thursday (like 4 days from now) and that I should go along. I'm a little nervous about going out to have a few drinks here in my new northern town. You see, when you are a youth director you basically give up your anninmity, everyone knows who I am. And I am terrified of running into kids or parents from church after having a few too many adult beverages. But I told Jen and Laura that I would go along with them, Jen volunteered to bring a wig and call my Lola all night long- I passed on that offer. I'm not sure why I am so worried about going out. Jen is a mom from church and she's the one that invited me, but it's just weird. More on that later this week. Anyway- I helped Laura pack some things but then she had to go pick up her kids so I went home. Well about an hour and a half later she text me asking if I wanted to come over for a glass of wine so I walked back over to Laura's for wine and more packing. Then the boyfriend came and met me there and the 3 of us chatted for a while then the boyfriend and I went home to make the Papa Murphy's pizza he had brought with him.
Saturday it was back over to Laura's house to help load the semi-truck that her husband Dan barrowed from a friend. I slipped and fell down 4 of their beautiful hardwood floors and now I have a big bruise on my butt. Then the boyfriend and I went to Grand Forks for the Sioux game. First we went to the mall to look at rings :) :) :) so excited!! Here is the one that I fell in love with

Isn't it beautiful? The band of diamonds on the bottom would be the wedding band and the ring with the big stone would be the engagement ring. I am seriously in love with this ring! It's perfect. The only way it could have been better is if it would have actually fit me in the store. But since most rings in the store are a size 7 and my finger is a size 8 that was a no-go.
After the ring store we went to pick up our tickets from our friend Brian's parents who have season tickets but don't go to every game. They just gave us the tickets! We didn't have to pay for them! Then we went to dinner at Applebee's and then it was off the the Ralph for the game. The boyfriend kind of had to pee when we left Applebee's but he was like "Whatever, I can hold it til we get there." But then parking was a mess- did you know that you can only park in parking lots at the Ralph if you buy a season parking pass?! Stupid. So we parked on some side street and walked to the Ralph. But they don't open the gates until an hour before the puck drops so then we had to wait to get in! Poor boyfriend! He was dancing and whining like you wouldn't believe! We finally got in and he finally got to pee then we walked around for about 1/2 an hour looking at the photos that they have on the walls and then found our seats to enjoy the game. The Sioux beat Robert Morris University from Philly 2-1 and all 3 of those goals came in the last 6 minutes of the game.
Yesterday I had to give a Children's Sermon and during the first service my mic wasn't on but it wasn't my fault- it wasn't turned on in the sound room. After church the boyfriend wanted to take down all of our Christmas decorations. Well actually he just wanted to take down the tree and I don't think the rest of the decorations around the house look right without the tree. So our live tree came down and shed needles everywhere! In the process of cleaning them up my vaccum died to I had to go barrow Molly's! I got most of the decorations down but I have a few left that will come down and get packed up tonight during the Bachelor. Hopefully Brad keeps Emilee (or Emme? I can't remember her name but she's the cute single mom from NC who's finace died 6 years ago).
That's basically a wrap up of my weekend! Once you write it down it seems like you got a lot done!
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