December 28, 2011
Just downloaded the blogger app on my iPhone & I'm testing it out! Hopefully it works so I can just upload pics thro here instead of Facebook. This is a picture of a pancake that one of my high school girls from church made me at our pancake bfast. It's Mickey Mouse cuz the mr & I are going to Disney! Isn't she cute?
So What Wednesday
It's that time of week again!
You know the drill, linking up again with Shannon over at Life After I "Dew"
for another installment of So What Wednesday!
Here's what I'm saying So What to this week:
*if I'm only working 2 days this week? I had planned on working 3 but I was home with a killer migrane yesterday. Seriously- reduced to tears it hurt so bad.
*if our dining room and 2nd bedroom are still full of wedding gifts? It's so hard to decide where to put all of it!
*if we have to take down our tree this week and I'm not very happy about it? Christmas is my favorite time of year and I hate when it's over.
*if I have to do my holiday clearence shopping online because we live an hour away from Target? And they don't even have what I want online... Hmm... Do I go there? I do have things to return...
*if I asked for and got books for Christmas but I really want a Kindle Fire?
*if I'm contemplating buying a Kindle for the honeymoon? It would be way easier to take with then it would be to take books & magazines for the plane.
*if all we have booked for our honeymoon is the plane tickets? We have no idea where we're staying, what we're driving or where we're going... Other than Disneyland :)
*if I was really bad about taking pictures at Christmas? I was having a really great time with my family and friends. My camera/phone were the last thing(s) on my mind.
*if my Chirstmas post (coming soon!) will consist of images from the internet and not actual pictures? See above.
*if I really wish we had more snow? It just didn't feel like Christmas without it.
What are you saying So What to this week?
Head on over to Life After I "Dew" to see what everyone else is So What-ing
Head on over to Life After I "Dew" to see what everyone else is So What-ing
and to link up!
Love, Mrs. K
December 21, 2011
So What Wednesday
It's that time of week again!
Hooking up with Shannon at Life After I "Dew" for
another round of So What Wednesday!
So What:
*if I planned my whole outfit around my new necklace from Vintage Wanna BEE ? When you get something new you really want to showcase it!
*if I still have lots of Christmas gifts to wrap? And a few to get yet? I still have no idea what to get some people...
*if the Mr is driving me crazy? It's weird that he doesn't leave anymore (keep in mind this is the first time we've lived in the same town). And he doesn't have a job yet so he's home all day every day, so when I get home from work he's right there and he wants to talk, and he's got questions about where things go and why I didn't put things away yet... It'll get better... Right?
*if we still have wedding gifts all over the dining room and guest bedroom that we haven't put away yet? It's overwhelming and it's a lot of stuff. I don't know where to put it.
*if we booked plane tickets for our honeymoon but we haven't booked anything else yet? We don't know where we're staying or what we're doing (other than going to Disneyland :) ) but we know that we're flying to LAX. Any suggestions?
What are you saying So What to this week?
Head on over to Life After I "Dew" to see what everyone else is so what-ing
and to link up!
Love, Mrs K
December 20, 2011
The best $32 dollars I've ever spent
Last night the Mr and I went to Grand Forks to return some wedding gifts at JCPenny's. And to get some things at Target (I hate that I have to drive an hour to go to Target!!).
Here are the things we got at Target:

Here are the things we got at Target:


We also got new hangers for the Mr, some glasses that he wanted, a shower caddy (that we have to return because it doesn't fit right in our shower), a Mickey Mouse Christmas glass, and I got a Christmas gift for him. He got me something too but I don't know what it is and that's the way I like it :) We checked out seperately, I had everything that I just listed and all of the gift cards that we got. After the cashier rang everything up, my total was $439. Then we got 10% off anything that was still on our registry (vaccum & mixer were), then I used all of the gift cards that we got for wedding gifts. It was fun to pay that way but it was also kind of painful, I like saving gift cards, I don't know why. In the back of my mind I'm like "well I might need it for something someday..." Weird, I know. Anyway, I used the gift cards and in the end I put $31.94 on my Target credit card. Whoop-whoop!!
By far, the best $32 I've ever spent :)
Love, Mrs. K
December 19, 2011
Last minute Christmas crazies!
Oh my gosh! Christmas eve is 5 days away! When did that happen?? I feel like this fall has flown by- I can not believe that Christmas is this weekend. This weekend!!!! It probs doesn't help that we don't have snow yet, I think if we had snow it would feel more like Christmas.
This afternoon/evening the Mr and I are going over to Grand Forks to return some wedding gifts (we got 2 crockpots, 2 sets of the same sheets, and a broken pepper grinder) and do some Christmas shopping.
The Christmas shopping is the part that gives me a headache. I'm not sure what else to get my dad. I have no idea what to get the Mr's sister and her boyfriend, the Mr's brother said he didn't want us to get him anything because he can't afford to get gifts for everyone this year (he's a senior in college). I don't have a clue as to what we should get his dad. I don't know what my sister's boyfriend wants. We're doing a gift exchange with the Mr's family, I need a $10 gift for a woman and I don't know what to get. The only people that I'm done with are my mom, sister and grandparents. And I only have 1 thing for the Mr. And I'm not sure how to shop for him when I live with him and he doesn't have a job. When do I go? When do I wrap it?
I know that this isn't what Christmas is about and I get frustraded that I let myself get so caught up in it but I love giving the perfect gift. I love the feeling when you give someone something that they really want, I love the way their face lights up.
I also love prank gifts. We're giving the Mr's brother one of these this year. The Mr's brother goes to the U of M in the twin cities, he's a hard core Gopher fan. And we live in UND Fighting Sioux territory, and we love Sioux hockey. So we're getting a Fighting Sioux shirt that fits the Mr and then we're giving it to his brother as a joke. Hahahahaha!!!!
I think for his "real" gift we'll get him a gift card to the liquor store in our home town. That should make a 22 year old boy happy right?
I also love cute gifts. Like the one that I'm going to give my sister's boyfriend. His favorite beer is Miller Lite so I'm going to buy a 6 pack then adorn each bottle with wire cleaners to make antlers, googely eyes, and red noses so they turn into "Rein-beer". Hahahaha!

This afternoon/evening the Mr and I are going over to Grand Forks to return some wedding gifts (we got 2 crockpots, 2 sets of the same sheets, and a broken pepper grinder) and do some Christmas shopping.
The Christmas shopping is the part that gives me a headache. I'm not sure what else to get my dad. I have no idea what to get the Mr's sister and her boyfriend, the Mr's brother said he didn't want us to get him anything because he can't afford to get gifts for everyone this year (he's a senior in college). I don't have a clue as to what we should get his dad. I don't know what my sister's boyfriend wants. We're doing a gift exchange with the Mr's family, I need a $10 gift for a woman and I don't know what to get. The only people that I'm done with are my mom, sister and grandparents. And I only have 1 thing for the Mr. And I'm not sure how to shop for him when I live with him and he doesn't have a job. When do I go? When do I wrap it?
I know that this isn't what Christmas is about and I get frustraded that I let myself get so caught up in it but I love giving the perfect gift. I love the feeling when you give someone something that they really want, I love the way their face lights up.
I also love prank gifts. We're giving the Mr's brother one of these this year. The Mr's brother goes to the U of M in the twin cities, he's a hard core Gopher fan. And we live in UND Fighting Sioux territory, and we love Sioux hockey. So we're getting a Fighting Sioux shirt that fits the Mr and then we're giving it to his brother as a joke. Hahahahaha!!!!
I also love cute gifts. Like the one that I'm going to give my sister's boyfriend. His favorite beer is Miller Lite so I'm going to buy a 6 pack then adorn each bottle with wire cleaners to make antlers, googely eyes, and red noses so they turn into "Rein-beer". Hahahaha!

For my bridesmaids, I'm sending them all the flip flops that I bought them for the wedding but that we couldn't find the day of the wedding :) sorry girls!
For my bestie here in my northern town I'm stumped. I have no idea what to get her.
How are y'all doing on Christmas shopping? Are you all done already?
Love, Mrs K
December 15, 2011
for lindsey at the pleated poppy

This is Alex, the ring bearer from our wedding and Tyler one of our ushers.
Aren't they cute?
Alex is the son of a friend of the Mr's and mine. He is such a cutie! I love him.
Anyway- our wedding colors were royal blue and lime green. We borrowed a tux for Alex from a friend and we could not find a tie for him that matched the "big boys".
For a while now I've been following Lindsey at The Pleated Poppy and I saw this tie in her shop that would be perfect for Alex. It's lime green with white polka dots! So cute!
I went to buy it and the shop told me that it was gone :( So I e-mailed Lindsey and she said that it was, in fact, NOT gone. Insert my happy dance here :) :) :)
So I ordered it.
And look how perfectly it matched the "big boys".
I will def be ordering from Lindsey again!
Thanks Lindsey!
Love, Mrs. K
I've been thinking about jumping on the twitter bandwagon lately. Since it came out I've been hesitant, and I don't know why. Maybe because I don't really get it? I mean- what's the point in just status updates? Or why would I want to limit myself to so few characters? But the last few days, just about everything that I have thought about blogging about has been to short to actually blog about.
Here's what's been running in my head lately:
*seriously- no snow?
*my husband has 36 pair of jeans that fit him! yes, you read that right 36. I have 6. what's wrong with this picture?
*christmas tree is finally all decorated, a week and a half after getting it
*i miss sleeping in my bed by myself
(ok, so this one could really get a longer post about living with a boy and the chagnes that I've noticed already, but that's not the point I'm trying to make)
*made @ShannonDew's recipe for bubble up enchiladas and they were delish
*seriously- 36 pairs
*what? I can't just have cheez itz and diet coke for lunch anymore?
(this could go with the sleeping by myself bullet)
so- what are you thoughts? Do you tweet? Is it too late to jump on the bandwagon? Is it worth jumping on the bandwagon? Would you follow me? What would my name be? Cuz I'm pretty sure Demi is/was Mrs. K on twitter...
Love, Mrs. K
Here's what's been running in my head lately:
*seriously- no snow?
*my husband has 36 pair of jeans that fit him! yes, you read that right 36. I have 6. what's wrong with this picture?
*christmas tree is finally all decorated, a week and a half after getting it
*i miss sleeping in my bed by myself
(ok, so this one could really get a longer post about living with a boy and the chagnes that I've noticed already, but that's not the point I'm trying to make)
*made @ShannonDew's recipe for bubble up enchiladas and they were delish
*seriously- 36 pairs
*what? I can't just have cheez itz and diet coke for lunch anymore?
(this could go with the sleeping by myself bullet)
so- what are you thoughts? Do you tweet? Is it too late to jump on the bandwagon? Is it worth jumping on the bandwagon? Would you follow me? What would my name be? Cuz I'm pretty sure Demi is/was Mrs. K on twitter...
Love, Mrs. K
December 14, 2011
So What Wednesday
It's time to link up with Shannon from Life After I "Dew"
for another addition of SWW!!
Here's what I'm saying So What to this week:
*if this is going to be long than normal- I didn't So What last week!
*if I've had wedding brain for the last 2 weeks?
*if our Christmas tree isn't fully decorated yet & I can't seem to remember to get more ornament hooks or paper clips to finish it?
*if I already feel like I need a new project? Wedding projects took up all of my time for 10 months...
*if I moved stuff from one closet to another in our house and I lost a shoe?
*if I wish I was the same size now as I was in college and I thought I was big then?
*if I prefer pinterest on my phone (when it actually works) to pinterest on the computer?
*if I sometimes wish I was a nurse just so I could wear scrubs everyday?
*if I love looking at baby clothes and have even thought about buying some even though the Mr and I aren't having babies anytime soon?
*if I wish it would just snow already? It's the 14th of December and it's 35 degrees and misting out in northern MN. Something is wrong here...
*if I get paranoid sometimes that people are talking about me?
*if I laugh on the inside when other people make grammer mistakes? Please don't laugh at mine, I know that I make them too.
*if I want a do over of my wedding day? I wouldn't really change anything but I'd love to do it again!!
*if I'm not back into the swing of work yet? And I'm not sure when I will be? With the wedding then Christmas, then New Year's, then our honeymoon... They're lucky I'm even in my office.
*if we booked flights for our honeymoon last night but other than going to Disneyland we have no idea what else we're going to do in southern Cali for a week. No plans at all- any suggestions?
*if I constantly check facebook to see if anyone else has added wedding pictures yet? I love looking at them!
What are you saying So What to this week?
Head on over to Life After I "Dew" to see what everyone
else is saying So What to this week!
Love, Mrs. K
December 10, 2011
I'm getting married today!!!!
This is my last post as Sarah Harper.
And yes I am blogging at 2:15 in the morning/middle of the night.
We just finished decorating at the Holiday Inn after our groom's dinner. It looks so pretty!! I can't wait to show you pictures!
But right now I need to go to bed.
This is that last time I will go to bed as Sarah Harper.
Tomorrow I will wake up with one last name and go to sleep with a different one.
Love, (for the last time) a future Mrs!
December 5, 2011
O Christmas Tree, 200, and babies
Happy Monday lovlies!
How was your weekend??
Mine was great. On Friday that future Mr came to my (soon to be our) house, I made dinner, he brought in some of his boxes, then we went to a friends house for abottle glass of wine. Thank you penny sale at Happy Harry's :) Saturday I had to get up early but the future Mr got to sleep in. He hasn't been feeling well so I decided to run errands without him. I stopped by church for the Spirit of Giving (more on that in a minute), then went to watch our friend's 6th grade boy play basketball, then Wal*Mart to get vitamin c pills for the future Mr, then tanning, then back to church for Christmas program practice with the little kiddos. They're so darn cute. Home for lunch, then we went and got our Christmas tree (apprently, I failed and haven't taken a picture of our tree yet, oops!), then off to Grand Forks to get some last minute wedding stuff and do some Christmas shopping. And dinner at Red Lobster (so what if I clean my plate? Seriously- nothing left but empty lobster shell and shrimp tales. So good.) Busy day.
Yesterday wasn't as bad. Christmas program at church in the morning. Pulled pork deliciousness for lunch, Vikings game on TV (I love them, I really do. But it is heartbreakin to be in the same situation week after week. Can they please just win one time??), nap, decorated the tree, tacos for dinner, cuddles on the couch. Then for the last time the future Mr went back to his house in our hometown. Next weekend he'll move here and live with me for good!!! Ahhhh!!!
Ok, the spirit of giving. This is an annual event that we do at our churh. We collect donations on Thursday and Friday of gently used items, we ask for Christmas/Holiday Items, outdoor/warm clothing, and blankets and the like. But we get a little bit of everything. We sort through it and it fills our felloship hall. Then on Saturday we have a free rummage sale. Yes, free. Basically it's for people that wouldn't get to have Christmas otherwise. It's pretty cool. And it was busy this year. Apparently there were people waiting to get into the church at 8 o'clock to start "shopping". Last year we figured we helped about 100 families. I haven't heard what the number is this year.
How was your weekend??
Mine was great. On Friday that future Mr came to my (soon to be our) house, I made dinner, he brought in some of his boxes, then we went to a friends house for a
Yesterday wasn't as bad. Christmas program at church in the morning. Pulled pork deliciousness for lunch, Vikings game on TV (I love them, I really do. But it is heartbreakin to be in the same situation week after week. Can they please just win one time??), nap, decorated the tree, tacos for dinner, cuddles on the couch. Then for the last time the future Mr went back to his house in our hometown. Next weekend he'll move here and live with me for good!!! Ahhhh!!!
Ok, the spirit of giving. This is an annual event that we do at our churh. We collect donations on Thursday and Friday of gently used items, we ask for Christmas/Holiday Items, outdoor/warm clothing, and blankets and the like. But we get a little bit of everything. We sort through it and it fills our felloship hall. Then on Saturday we have a free rummage sale. Yes, free. Basically it's for people that wouldn't get to have Christmas otherwise. It's pretty cool. And it was busy this year. Apparently there were people waiting to get into the church at 8 o'clock to start "shopping". Last year we figured we helped about 100 families. I haven't heard what the number is this year.
This is my 200th post!! Whoop whoop!!

When I hit 100 I did a giveaway, but life is a little busy right now.
Sorry lovlies, I promise I'll do something really cool for 300 or for my 1st blog-o-versary (Jan. 6th)
And again, no, I am not having a baby. But 1, 2, 3 of the blogs that I followed announced within the last 2 days that they are expecting! Oh my goodness! What's going on?? And another blog that I follow is due on Sunday, and one that I did follow, but she stopped blogging is due in Jan. It's crazy with babies around here!!
And it's no secret that I have baby fever. I've had it for a long time. All I've ever wanted to do it to be a mom. Like seriously, if I could have a baby and then another and stay home with them, I would do it in a heartbeart.
The future Mr and I have talked about babies. We're undecided as to how many littles we want to have (more then 1, less then 5, that we can afree on). But we do know that we just want to be married for a while before we make littles. We have talked about starting to try after a yearm but should we get prego before that, never ever would we ever put an end to it. If God wants us to have a baby, we'll have a baby. (But not as many as the Duggar's have.) We've also talked about me staying home, but it all depends on our financial situation when we get to that stage of life. I would love to stay home, but it has to be the financially responsible thing to do.
Have a great Monday!
Love, a future Mrs.
December 2, 2011
'Tis the Season
December is probably my favorite month of the year. I love it for so many reasons. I love that the snow (when it finally gets here) is still new so people aren't frustrated with it and it's still pretty and white, it's not dirty. I love the people are in a good mood most of the time. I love that I get to decorate my house with all the little white lights that I want. I love that we get a fresh tree and it smells so good. I love the movies on TV. I love the music.
Last night I cleaned my house and busted out the Christmas decorations and I couldn't help but notice that almost all of my decorations are "secular". And I'm kind of shallow when it comes to Christmas. I get caught up in the consumerism of it all.
I want my house to be decorated just so. I want to get people the perfect gift. I want to get the right pictures. I'm not so good at remembering why we do all of this.
I'm not so good at focusing on the time of advent and the time of waiting for Jesus. I'm not so good at being thankful for what I do have, I tend to focus on what I don't have and the things that I want. I'm not so good at listening to what God wants from me, I spend too much time telling him what I want from him. (This is true all year, not just in Advent.)
When I say that I love all of these thing about December, I should really be saying I love Jesus. And He should be first on that list...
Love, a future Mrs
Last night I cleaned my house and busted out the Christmas decorations and I couldn't help but notice that almost all of my decorations are "secular". And I'm kind of shallow when it comes to Christmas. I get caught up in the consumerism of it all.
I want my house to be decorated just so. I want to get people the perfect gift. I want to get the right pictures. I'm not so good at remembering why we do all of this.
I'm not so good at focusing on the time of advent and the time of waiting for Jesus. I'm not so good at being thankful for what I do have, I tend to focus on what I don't have and the things that I want. I'm not so good at listening to what God wants from me, I spend too much time telling him what I want from him. (This is true all year, not just in Advent.)
When I say that I love all of these thing about December, I should really be saying I love Jesus. And He should be first on that list...
Love, a future Mrs
December 1, 2011
name changes + last times
It is so weird to to thing for the last time as a Harper. Last night I had youth group for the last time before I get married. Today I paid bills for the last time before I get married. I'm going to go home tonight and do laundry for the last time before I get married. It is such a surreal feeling.
Today while I paid bills, I also changed my last name on some of them. Here in town at the city office and at our cable provider's office, I changed my last name.
I'm not going to be Sarah Harper anymore. I don't know how to not be Sarah Harper, it's the only person I've ever been. My last name connects me to my family. Everything that I've done, I've done as a Harper. I don't know how to be a Knopf.
Anyone else have these feelings when they got married??
Love, a future Mrs
Today while I paid bills, I also changed my last name on some of them. Here in town at the city office and at our cable provider's office, I changed my last name.
I'm not going to be Sarah Harper anymore. I don't know how to not be Sarah Harper, it's the only person I've ever been. My last name connects me to my family. Everything that I've done, I've done as a Harper. I don't know how to be a Knopf.
Anyone else have these feelings when they got married??
Love, a future Mrs
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