I can not believe that it is August 6th already!! What?! Where did the summer go? Oh yea- camp (3 times!), Vacation Bible School, the 4th of July, a family reunion, an eleven day trip with 18 high schoolers to New Orleans, and WE Fest. Yup- that would do it.
So- in the fastest most photo heavy recap ever, here's my summer:

1st worship of the summer at camp

Sunset at camp- love that seeing this is part of my job :)

Campfire worship at camp

The theme verse of the summer

Father's day weekend at the lake cabin

Week 2 at camp- the littlest boys singing.

Making dinner Kate Gosseling style- for real, I had 9 kids to feed that night!

Learning about cake decorating at DQ during Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Waterballons for water fun Wednesday at VBS

Got to spend an afternoon at the beach with these cuties :)

Closing worship during VBS

Week 3 at camp- so peaceful early in the morning

The crew at camp from our Northern town- 3 churches

The Mr and I at a demo derby

Broken down car :(

Life is better with sandy toes

Spray paint tie die

Our New Orleans group at 6:30 am!!

Got to see the St. Louis Arch on the way

And we got to spend an afternoon at the Gulf of Mexico on the way to NOLA

Female adult leaders enjoying the beach

ELCA National Youth Gathering!!

Worship with 33,309 people! Wow!

Muffelatas in NOLA- yum-o!

Did some Habitat for Humanity work in NOLA

National Civil Rights Museum on the way home

Our last NOLA group picture- the kids saying thank you to everyone who supported them

My 2nd Sonic stop all summer :( the closest one is 5 hours away

My first time eating at Ikea!

When it's really warm out and you only have a window air conditoner in one room (your bedroom) you'll do almost anything to stay in that room.
So that's June and July 2012 for ya.
Stayed tuned for a WE Fest update later this week!
Love, Mrs. K
Wow - you've had a busy summer for sure! Looks like a ton of fun was had and great memories were made!