It's that time of the week again!
Time to link up with Shannon from LAID for another
installment of So What Wednesday!
Here's what I'm saying So What to this week:
*if I like apple cinnamon cherrios better than the caramel ones?
*if the Mr and I have different sleeping habits? As in, I prefer to fall asleep with the TV on after reading for a little while and he prefers to fall asleep with no TV in quiet dark room.
*if I went to be a little after 9 on Monday? I obviously needed it cuz I slept til 8:30 on Tuesday morning!
*if I thought I looked really good this morning, tried to take a picture of myself on my phone to share with you, couldn't get a good picture and that caused me to rethink my outfit and how I look?
I didn't change.
*if I felt bad for the guy working at Subway today? It was pretty obvious that he hasn't worked there long. And the lady behind me asked him to put cat-sup (that's how she pronounced it) on her sub.
*if I haven't plugged my iPhone into my computer since I got it in July? I know, I know! There are update! I'm not using it to it's full capability! I will soon... Maybe
*if my sister is moving home and I'm a little jealous? I know the reasons that she's moving home and that's her story to share, I wouldn't want to deal with the issues that she's dealing with but I would love to have my mom take care of me again. And I love being at my parent's house :)
*if my life consists of 3 ring binders?
*if I ran out of eyeliner after I was done with one eye this morning? That's really not a So What- I'm actually kinda mad about that one. Good thing I had another eye liner, in a slightly different color to fake it with one the 2nd eye. Then I went to wal*mart and it was $7.50 for a new one- when did that happen?? Shannon- I think I'll be coming your way to place an Avon order soon.
*if I'm jealous of Meg's bathroom?
What are you saying So What to this week?
Head on over to LAID to see what everyone
else is So What-ing and to link up!
Love, Mrs. K