July 20, 2011

So What Wednesday

It's that time of week again for So What Wednesday with Shannon from Life After I "Dew"

Here's what I'm saying So What to this week:

*if I might be a little addicted to my new iPhone. And the future Mr. got his last night. This could be a recipe for disaster. We might never talk again and just spend all of our time on our phones!!

*if I really wish mother nature would make up her mind. If you want to rain, rain. If you want it to be hot, make it hot. But this back and forth business is doing a number on my hair and my wardrobe. I have no idea how to dress for this weather

*if I don't really know what to do with myself now this week. I'm in my office for the whole week. This hasn't happend in a month. I'm missing having someone else cook for me, Bible party, arts & crafts, swimming, naps, canteen and all of the things that go along with camp

*if even though I miss those things I'm happy to be home. I missed my house.

*if I've spent every night this week hanging out in my bedroom cuz it's the only room with A/C

*if I hit the snooze button more then a few times this morning. I fell right back to sleep each time so I must have needed the sleep

What are you saying So What to this week?
Head on over to Life After I "Dew" to see what everyone
else is saying So What to this week.

Love, a future Mrs

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