136 days to go!
*I love having that countdown on my phone*
Last Thursday I got our save the date magnets in the mail!! So exciting! Yesterday I got them all stuffed, addressed, stamped, and sealed. So they are ready to go! I'm a little nervous about putting them in the mail because then it's really real, but I'm way more excited then nervous :)
I also worked on our favors this week. I got about a 1/3 of the way through them. I'll finish them at the cabin this weekend with one of my b-maids. I'll share pictures next week.
I got an idea for shoes from pinterest. I'm hopefully going to look for them/supplies to make them this weekend. Yes, I said make them. Again, I'll share picture next week (unless I can't find anything I like, then you'll have to wait a while!)
I changed the appointment with the florist. My original appointment wasn't until Sept 6th, but I called yesterday and changed it to Aug 4th. I'm excited. But I don't really know what I'm getting myself into and I think I'm going to have to go to the appointment by myself cuz the future Mr. and my mom will both be at work. Which is scary cuz I don't know what I want. I have an idea but I don't know specifics.
Wedding #4 of the summer:
Becky & Bryan Taffe
July 23rd
Overall experience: 10! Most fun wedding of the summer (so far, but it's going to be hard to top).
Dress: 10! Becky looked so pretty! It had a nice train, not too long not too short for the ceremony then it got bustled up underneath the dress, not on top of it which I love.
The girls looked good but they didn't all have the same dress. Call me traditional but I like it when the bridesmaids are all dressed the same. These girls were in the same color, they were all floor length and there were just 3 different dresses (for 7 b-maids and a jr b-maid). The boys looked good too. They wore black tuxes with light pinstrips. Bryan had black and white wingtip shoes. I think my future Mr wants to wear them now.
Food: 7. The salad was ok. They also had some kind of meat (not sure what it was), mashed potatos, chicken fetticini alfreado and buns. The buns were good.
My favorite food item was the sweet & salty table! They had a table set up the whole night with goldfish crackers, cheezits, sunchips, chex mix, mixed nuts, m&ms, skittles, reces peanut butter cups, mints, and gummie bears. They had small plates and cups there for you to make your own trail mix of sorts. It was so fun and they left it up all night which I thought was a great idea.
I think the future Mr. and I will be stealing that idea.
Venue: 8. the church was pretty. They had candles and white twinkle lights. The reception hall was typical hotel wedding reception. The hotel itself was a little sketchy but the ball room was nice.
If I wouldn't have biffed it down the stairs on our way to dinner the dance would have been much more enjoyable. I just missed the last two stairs. I'm fine but my ankle was a little swollen for a day or two.
Overall- it was a great wedding and I'm very happy for Mr. & Mrs. Taffe!!
Love, a future Mrs.