How cute is that?? And so not hard to make! BOP thank the girls at eighteen25 for the idea so I had to head on over there and check them out.
And on their page they give you a list of ideas of what to put in the basket and they give you the printable to make the cute tag!!
So awesome- they don't make you pick, they give you all 6 tags!! Too bad we don't have kids yet so we don't have teachers to give these to!! I think I'm going to make one for my mom and the Mr's mom. But in my mom-in-laws basket I might put strawberry plants instead of stuff from Bath & Body works since she really likes to garden. And I might have to make a few for some special friends. We'll see if Bath & Body has any good sales when I'm there tomorrow on the soap or anti bac or strawberry scented things :)
Love, Mrs. K
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