Well, we picked it out and we were going to buy it but then the Mr's parents gave it to us as a wedding gift :) I love it! It's comfortable and stylish and it doesn't look like a full diaper (some leather couches do- sorry I probs just ruined leather couches for you!). The only problem with it is that it doesn't match any of our other living room furniture. We had an old couch that was in my college rental house and a papasan chair like this in our living room before:

I love this chair! It is so comfortable. But it looks very "college". So now it's in my craft room (update on that later this week!!).
We have another old chair (from my grandparents house, it's the first piece of furniture that I ever recovered myself!) that was in the computer room but then we got a beautiful bench at the church rummage sale (sorry I don't have a picture...). So now the ugly old chair that I recovered is in the living room with our beautiful leather couch. It isn't jiving.
The Mr is stuck on getting a recliner for the living room. This weekend while he was out running errands he said he found a recliner at K Mart (of all places) that matched our couch, it's even a
Simmons and everything. Now, I wasn't with him but I'm pretty sure that this is the recliner that he saw:
I'm not a fan. I don't think our living room is big enough and I don't think we need a reliciner. And I want this chair from IKEA:

I am in love with this chair. In white. It's perfect and I think it would go really well with our couch. We live in a 100 year old house, our living room has tan walls and dark brown molding and trim (which I love!) but I think adding another heavy piece of dark brown furniture would be too much for the room. And I've read on other blogs that white is the only color to go with because it's a slip cover on the chair and white is the only color that you can bleach if you spill on it. So just get 2 slip covers and you're good to go.
And, in all honesty, these 2 chairs are within $30 of each other so money isn't a deciding factor. Yes, the nearest IKEA is 6 hours from here but I will drive right past it in just 2 weekends for a friends wedding. I could easily get this then. We'll have to see what the Mr thinks...
Love, Mrs. K
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