Have y'all seen this show? I am in love with it!! I don't know if it's because it's a great show or because I work in a church so some of these things are extra funny. Either way, it's great!
I missed the first episode, but read all about it in my mom's people magazine. I kid you not, that night I downloaded the book onto my Kindle (love having that thing!) and read the whole thing in 2 days. Could not put it down. So then the next Sunday I was all ready for episode 2.
In the beginning of episode 2 Carlene, Sharron, & Cricket have their gardener's at the church and the Pastor is putting the new sermon title on the church sign out by the road. The title is "love your neighbor". Sharron has a little bit of a melt down because she hasn't been nice to Amanda who just went through a divorce and moved back home. Sharron wasn't being nice because she thought her husband was cheating on her with Amanda. The other ladies assured it that everything was ok then told her that she didn't need 1 Corinthians 13 which is all about love. No, she needed Luke 9 which is full of revenge.
I'm hooked.
And have you been to the website for the show? ABC's GCB. Go. Check it out. I'll wait.
Wasn't that great? I love the commandments that they have on there and the "blogs" that the characters write.
I laugh for an hour straight every Sunday. The Mr. doesn't really understand the show or why I like it though. So he doesn't watch with me.
And, I love that it's on on Sunday nights. I almost never have conflicts on Sunday nights. Any other night and it would be out. ABC has great line ups other nights of the week but I just can't commit. So, thank you ABC for this little gem that I end every weekend with.
Love, Mrs. K
Oh my gosh I love that show too! I haven't read the book yet, is it good? Well I guess so since you read it in two days, duh lol