linking up with my girl kelly from today was a fairytale for her newlywed blog hop. sounds like fun!
today's topic is: how did you meet your mr?
cute (short) version:
we met in high school. back then he was my friend lindsay's older brother. we never really paid much attention to each other but both knew who the other one was. a few years after high school we ran into each other and hit it off.
we met in high school. back then he was my friend lindsay's older brother. we never really paid much attention to each other but both knew who the other one was. a few years after high school we ran into each other and hit it off.
real (long) version:
my mom manages a bar and resturant. it just happens to be the place that mr. k and his buddies like to hang out. i worked for my mom one summer while in college, and served the mr and his buddies drinks all summer. i developed a little crush on him.
then on my 21st bday (nov. 2007, since kelly added all of her dates!) the boys came out to meet my friends (and parents) and i for a drink. we tried to talk them all into bar hopping with us. they were not interested in the least. you see, my birthday happens to be the first week of november which is deer opener here in northern mn (for rifle season, bow season opens earlier).
so, my crew headed out the door and i gave the mr a high five. he kind of grabbed my hand/the high five lasted longer than normal.
two nights later i went out for a drink with my mom and her best friend. i made the owner of the bar that my mom works for give me the mr's phone number and i texted him telling him to come meet us. i know, i'm pretty take charge. he did :)
we hung out a few times in nov/dec. i came home for thanksgiving, we went out for dinner. my college does an awesome christmas concert, he went with me.
then on dec. 15th we were at my mom's bar and we ran into someone that the mr is related to. i don't know how they're related (srsly- he is related to so many people!). and she asked if i was his girlfriend. we both looked at each other kind of weird. and she said, 'uh-oh. you haven't had that conversation yet have you?' so that night when he dropped me off at my parents house he said, 'so, when people ask if you're my girlfriend is it ok if i say yes?' he's cute.
we did break up for part of the following semester (spring of my junior year) but we got back together, obvi.
come back next week to hear about what he did two years later :)
love, mrs. k