I had kids from church at camp for 2 1/2 weeks in June and I don't have access to a computer/the internets at camp. Then for a week we had counselors from camp here at church to lead Vacation Bible School which was great but exhausting. Then I was on vacation last week, well kinda. I just went to Hometown, MN and hung out at my parents house which was so so so nice. And this past weekend we had our annual family reunion, Miller Time* :) at my parent's lake cabin. So, sorry but I was preoccupied with relaxing and laying in the lake soaking up the sun, blogging was about the last thing on my mind.
But I've missed it and YOU!! Yes, I've missed you and reading your blogs!
This coming Saturday at 6 am I leave with 18 kids from church and 3 other adults for a 10 day trip to New Orleans!! I'll do my best to check in with you while I'm gone but no promises.
I am so ready to go on this trip, I am ready to be done planning it. It gives me headaches and makes my stomach hurt, basically it stresses me out a lot. It is hard to plan a trip to a National Youth Gathering when there is turmoil in the church and not everyone is happy with the church leaders on a national basis. It is hard to keep everyone happy with roomie situations and travel buddies. It is hard to plan a trip where I know I won't be completely in control. It is hard to plan a trip to a city that I've only been to once and for a gathering that I've only been to as a youth, never as an adult.
I was so glad that I got to take last week off and I didn't really have to think about work at all. But as we were driving back to our nothern town on Sunday night, the closer we got the more my stress level went up.
So, I will try to keep you posted while I'm on this trip- hopefully my stress level goes down...
But here are some pictures from my week off:

This was how my week off started.
Dead car.
Good thing I was only 11 miles from Hometown and my parents have an 'extra' car.

I did my nails and my toes for the 4th :)

My sister and I went on a mini Zorbaz tour.
Zorbaz is a Pizza and Mexican restaurant that started in Hometown, MN. Now there are 10 locations. If you go to all 10 in a calendar year (which is tricky cuz some are only open in the summer) you get a free t-shirt. Last year we went to all 9 (they opened a new one in Feb). We were going to do it again this year but then it was so nice out that we just wanted to get to the lake earlier so we only went to 5.
And only took pictures at 3 apparently...


I guess when I go home I revert to being my 15 year old self and just throw my stuff wherever.
Cool. I know.

Life is better with sandy toes.
And a the lake.

We had a bon fire going all weekend. Yes that is a mountain of ash in our fire pit.
Other high lights of the weekend that I don't have pictures of:
-seeing fireworks from the racetrack by the cabin
-riding our bikes (old school bikes) to the bar for a greenie
-burning dried out Christmas trees
-hanging out with my family
Love, Mrs. K
*It's called Miller Time because my Grandma's maiden name is Miller and it's her sisters, their kids and grandkids that we get together with. Not because of the beer, although there is drinking involved.
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