Linking up again with Shannon for So What Wednesday!
Here's what I'm saying So What to this week:
*if I can not stop listening to this song? It's the theme song for the gathing next week and I LOVE it!
*if I can't stop listening to this song either?
*if I napped on my lunch break? I didn't sleep well last night cuz I can't stop thinking about what I need to do still for our trip. It's going to be a long week.
*if my car has been in the shop for a week and a half and I haven't heard anything about it yet? My dad's in charge of it, I'll let it be his problem and drive his Expedition for now.
*if I haven't even thought about packing yet?
*if I turn into my 15 year old self again when I go to my parents house and my room looks like this:

*if I saw a big turtle on the walking path around the lake at camp and I got scared and turned around?
*if I'm bad about blogging when I get busy?
*if it's better for my relationships with people if I drive when we go somewhere? I think I'm a better driver then everyone else. Notice I said I think I'm better.
*if I'm a little jealous of Shannon and Kristen becuase of the awesome weekend that they're going to have? I would love to get together with those two!!
*if all I want to do is lay infront of the window air conditioner in our bedroom? This heat is killer!! The air just feels heavy. Uff da. New Orleans is going to kill me...
What are you saying So What to this week?
Head on over to Life After I "Dew" to see what everyone else is
So What-ing and to link up!
Love, Mrs. K
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