I'd been thinking about making a new cover for my Kindle. I had made one right after I got it from the sleeve of an old sweater. While I do really like that cover, it just seemed a little "winter-y". As if my Kindle needs to "change clothes" with the seasons....
Anyway, one day on my lunch break I went to the used book store in town and score an old cook book "Fancy, Sweet, and Sugarfree" for only $1.60!! And it was just the right size for my Kindle! After work I ran out to Wal*Mart to get some elastic and heat-and-bond (which I ended up not using, thanks to my trusty hot glue gun!).
Then I assembled my supplies:
The hardest part was picking a fabric combo:

The winning combo:

Teal blue flowers for the outside and black with white polka dots for the inside.
In this picture it looks brown but it's really black, it'd be better if it was brown...
I wasn't very good about taking pictures during the process this time. Sorry! Check out the link under the inspiration picture- she does a great job of explaining what we did and she took lots of pictures.
I used a sharp knife from my kitchen and I cut all the pages out of the book. Actually all you have to do is cut down the edge of the binding and they'll all come out together.
I used a sharp knife from my kitchen and I cut all the pages out of the book. Actually all you have to do is cut down the edge of the binding and they'll all come out together.
I did the inside first so I used the hot glue gun to glue down the black fabric and pulled it tight around the edges of the book. Then I added the elastic. I added the four pieces on the corners to hold the Kindle in place while I'm reading it then I added an extra strap to go on the outside to hold the book shut while I wasn't reading.
Then I used more black fabric to make a pocket to keep the Kindle in while I wasn't reading. I put some white flannel on the inside of the pocket to keep the Kindle safe from scratches.
Then I did the outside. I traced the book on the teal flowery fabric the trimmed it and used hot glue to fold it over on itself and make a nice sharp edge (this is where I should've used the heat and bond but the hot glue gun was already warmed up and I didn't want to get the iron out). Then all I had to do was glue the teal flowery fabric to the outside of the book. I did this while the book was shut so it wouldn't pull once I shut it.
And here's the finished project:

The pocket is on the right side.
I didn't follow the example that I pinned to a "t" but she was sure an inspiration to me! And her directions and pictures made it super easy to figure out.
I could see myself making more of these for sure!
Love, Mrs. K